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Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Check how different fonts look on any website

Graphic Designers and Manufacturers of fonts have always been in front of a big Milestone. Some want to enjoy their layout with different Web Fonts to try before they purchase something, and others want to give anything away. From this week there is a way that solves it for the first time, at least for the web designers and It is the FontFonter Service.

Try Web Fonts before you buy them on any website by www.fontfonter.com.

Soccer & Typography

Even this headline will deter most of my gentle readers, but now there are two times of my passions, and I could combine them in the form of Free-Fonts, you may want to read further!

Rudy wants only one thing - to feel the nice numbers.

Maybe it's one or the other similar to mine: the passion for tracing the letters began. For me it was from the fifth grade, especially band names on school supplies and everything else painted. Later, the Football was interesting, as it was in the nineties, almost every team wear T-shirts with the same jersey numbers, you could universally use internalized set of numbers to make the job; The midfielder has been with the 10 great credit, mocked the friend with the 0.

Eventually, however, fell on the backs of the players, the Monopoly Font, and what else makes for a pleasant variety, was rapidly result in disaster (and still is today). Regardless of the meaning and readability, and is trying to lack of originality of an association with a possible fail - to balance writing - mostly completely ludicrous-illegible.

The old numbers disappeared and are now characteristic for a particular sports era that lasted from the mid-eighties to mid nineties and culminated in the World Cup 1990th.

Andi Brehme lays his way to the decisive penalty in the World Cup final 1990th

What surprised me the most was that the old numbers were never actually raise a font. When once asked in a forum, then, is always referred to the usual suspects cornered, but a faithful digital representation could not be found - until I took attention of that!

So I have pictures of the Ancient Scriptures and looked at the forms that gave it the form of this principle, the most striking traced for me. Including the Basel-seven, of course!

I have remained faithful to the rigid structure, have kept the most common forms of standard and a couple of alternatives included. Thus, the Basel-seven landed on "/" and the one without a walk on ",". If you prefer a semantically correct, but can also try the OpenType Stylistic Sets.

Here is the complete character set :

The figures on the Libero fonts. The alternate characters are hidden in Stylistic Sets 1-4.

Even if the font is for jerseys, Font-Face with the help of the generator of @Fontsquirrel created a web font kit. And we can use it to write a football blog and orderly placement or date, I point, binding and indent with reingepackt.

The football nostalgia goes to the heart at the sight of the numbers associated with famous names.

The result is the "Libero" (Because at that time was the standard and today is extinct just like the numbers). Show me what you do with it!

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

New Currency Symbol of Turkish Lira

On 1 March, Turkish Central Bank has presented the new Currency Symbol for the Turkish Lira to the public, replacing the previous spelling "TL".
The character grew out of an open competition, which drew thousands of Turks. The race finally made the draft 33-year-old Tu-lay Tulip: a stylized L, aware of its rounded shape is reminiscent of an anchor. The double horizontal lines represent the T and also make the character instantly recognizable as a Currency Symbol.

Some critics, however, earned the draft because he is like with this design, the Currency Symbol of the neighboring country of Armenia, if you put this on its head.
As with the €-sign there is an official engineered variant (pictured above), but which is certainly adapted to the particular font in different Font Style.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Ten Commandments of Typography

The critical thinker and a great typographer Kurt Weidemann will never be forgotten. However, the AGD (Alliance of German Designers) an honorary member would also like for anyone who liked him, admired and provide a visible presence miss. AGD board member Andreas Maxbauer has designed from the Ten Commandments to the handwritten typography two posters. To print, hang on the wall - in memory of Kurt Weidemann: http://www.agd.de/929.html

The Development of Font Sizes

In the past we have often mentioned in articles and forums on development contributions and differences of the major font formats. How TrueType and OpenType difference really? How to play the new and old web font formats in here?

The following information shows the evolution of the major outline font formats in a concise manner. As an accompanying article in this blog post is recommended.

The graphics can be used in full resolution (2000 × 2000 pixels) can be viewed and downloaded at fonts.info: http://www.fonts.info/pub/download/fontformats.png
The image can be used under the Creative Commons License CC BY-ND 3.0.

Font Recognize 10 Best Tricks

Trick № 1: WhatTheFont

A well-known and popular service for the detection of commercial fonts from MyFonts is WhatTheFont. Upload an image obtained with the type specimen is high and the system from the vast catalog of MyFonts currently about 900 magazine party the appropriate headings.
The service works best when the type specimen contrast and undistorted, and with letters touch each other or with background images. Often it is therefore worthwhile to clean up before the image in an image editing program to brief accordingly.

Trick № 2: What Font is

A very similar service as WhatTheFont is What Font is. Unlike the former, the focus here is on free fonts. If you were not successful with WhatTheFont, therefore, often worth a second attempt at What Font is.

Trick № 3: The PDF-trick

You would like to know what typeface used a particular company? A very safe method, used on certain writings undoubtedly is, doing a lookup in PDF files. The writings here are embedded in the control and display programs such as Adobe Reader allow an overview of the fonts used in a PDF.
If you believe there are still no PDF, it is advisable to browse the website of the manufacturer to PDFs. When corporations are almost always stored as the annual reports as PDFs.

For a more specific search on Google for example, type the following code:
site: German-bank.de pdf
More specifically, the search if you allow only the results for the PDF file type:
site: German-bank.de filetype: pdf
Then, upload the PDF to your computer and open it in Adobe Reader. Open the Document Properties of Cmd + D or CTRL + D and you look "under the tab" fonts which fonts were used in this pdf. Thus, where appropriate, the name of house types to determine unerringly, which were derived from existing fonts.

Trick № 4: Identifont
Quite often we know the name of a font, but you know other writings that look very similar. This is where the Identifont Website. Simply enter the name of the famous writer, and then browse in the sidebar to the proposals similar writings. This selection is maintained by the operators of the site manually and is therefore accurate.

Trick № 5: Questionnaire

Identifont offer yet another way to determine writings. Through a series of questions like "Does the font serifs?" Or "Dominated the J" above the baseline is the font search narrowed down further until only a small number of tracts qualify. http://www.identifont.com/identify.html

Trick № 6: Find My Font

If you would like to search documents using a pattern graph on only his own computer, you can use programs like this Find My Font. They operate on the same principle as WhatTheFont and What Font is, but it only browse the fonts on your hard disk. If you want just want to quickly find a similar font to a font sample, without having to spend money in this way can be found easily compare different font from the font's own inventory.

Trick № 7: Look in the wiki
In the wiki of Typografie.info there is one of the largest lists of corporate house magazines from all over the world: http://www.typografie.info/2/wiki.php?title=Hausschriften-Liste
The list can be used by all members Typografie.info amended or modified. We appreciate your help to keep this list current and accurate!

Trick № 8: "Probably isses rotis!"
Even though we now can theoretically draw on over 100,000 fonts - most of the character recognition questions in our forums goes back to just a handful of classic fonts. These include, for example, Rotis, Futura, Helvetica, and meta-and as a display typeface Garamond, and the different versions in books. It is always worthwhile to know these classics. A good overview is to provide such FontShop 100 Best Fonts: http://www.100besteschriften.de/

Trick № 9: Validity Check

Often we are in the forum type specimen submitted for identification, where it is not to set fonts, but designed their own words (eg logo). In case you are making the arduous search for the right font, you should be sure that the document is now available at all of a typeface. These are a few tips:
  • Compare the same letter: Check if same letters really look the same every time. Check out each time different, you have to do it either with a rare, sophisticated OpenType font with alternate characters, or with a written script, based on any set of letters.
  • Inspect connections: script fonts as a set of fonts usually have very strict, uniform connections so that any letters fit together. Often, even, the last letter in a word as a compound that is irrelevant. These are typical characteristics of a typeface. Do the links, in fact "as written" with sweeping in and smears at the end of words, then it is probably written too.
  • Dancing baseline: typefaces are usually strictly on a baseline. If the type specimen, the baseline is unstable or even obliquely, it was certainly also a calligrapher at work.
  • Roundings, extensions, deletions: Logo designs are now often made on the basis of type faces, and these are strongly modified. Corners are rounded, cut out parts Buchtaben, extended parts of letters and more letters, etc. connected
  • Any modifications of this type indicate that it is a logo, does not constitute a directly used typeface.
Trick № 10: Ask The Professionals
If all else fails, ask the experts in recognition of the font.

Typography Sketchbooks

The two authors Steven Heller and Lita Talarico have managed a remarkable and extensive collection of your book Typography Sketchbooks provides a fascinating insight into typographic sketchbooks from around the world. More than 100 renowned designers and typographers (for example, Erik Spiekermann) have been willing to look over their shoulder and released their sketches for publication in this book. This seems all the more remarkable when one knows how carefully hidden from the sketchbooks of most designers usually eke out a drawer rather shadowy existence. The general public gets so usually the best published, finely elaborated results of all those design processes to see, at the beginning once stood a few bold strokes in a sketch book. But this just made the first sketches, to prevent spontaneous ideas on the fly on the run, often have their own special charm. Quickly thrown onto the sheet or drawn affectionately tell you a lot about the creative process - usually invisible - running in the head designer. The examples range from rough sketches to fine-drawn drafts to complete illustrations - the boundaries between disciplines are blurred. And the variety of expression is broad: from pencil, marker, pen and brush to vector graphics, everything is represented.

The design :
In addition to the substantive weight of the book comes with its impressive 368 pages and a half kilos, making it not just as a reading on the go - but that's not supposed to be. The carefully prepared presentation of the sketchbooks will be made in this book, almost the entire surface is available, introduction and commentary by the authors limit themselves to what is necessary. Nice detail are the page numbers that move with increasing value of the right leaf edges of the book up. To name the only point of criticism might be the legibility, by the decision to initiate in matt blue print on dark gray background, and to put the explanatory text to the designers on a transparent surface over the sketches, is difficult in some cases fairly.

The authors :
Steven Heller has written over 130 books on design topics or edited. For 33 years he was art director at the New York Times and the U & lc magazine and earns makes a number of projects to develop creative talent.
Lita Talarico co-founded the "School of Visual Arts MFA Design Program" in New York City and several other design projects, including in Italy. She holds lectures on design topics around the world and is involved with Steven Heller for the promotion of creative talent.

My personal conclusion :
I admit it: I have a soft spot for sketchbooks. Both for their own, which I have in many variations and at varying fill with drawings and sketchbooks from the artist friends and colleagues, in which I may from time to time have a look. Sketchbooks keep between their covers a wide range of volatile designers thoughts from oblivion and its secular allies, the Recycle Bin. For me, I'm from the illustrative range, Typography Sketchbooks a nice source of inspiration, an informative picture book, so to speak. I enjoy living on the flow and the graphic quality of many of the examples and the ideas that are visible in the sketches.

Also interesting are the texts that are written on the sketches for each site designers. In addition to biographical details, there is usually a brief statement of the designer to his motivation to make sketches. From a strictly earmarked capturing ideas through to the mindless scribbling of fun of it all.

I can not judge whether this book is also for colleagues in the field of type design is able to be a source of inspiration for their work. It could be that the sketches - carry not much new to the eyes of one who is concerned for years, of itself with the design of letters - despite their aesthetic quality. Nevertheless, I think the book is a good acquisition for all designers, it - love, colleagues to look at their work on the shoulder - like me.

Monday, 19 March 2012

Anatomy of Typography : The Definition

Typography (often abbreviated typo) designates the various methods of typesetting and printing using characters and shapes in relief.

The typography is behind the art of assembling of movable type to create words and sentences and printed. This technique was developed in 1440 by Gutenberg, which has not invented the movable type printing, but a set of joint technical: the movable lead and principle manufacturing, the printing press, ink and fat necessary for this purpose.

Typography, by extension, is the printing technique that uses the principle of relief, such as movable type of lead and wood, but also relief images, first woodcuts and plates of metal and photo polymer. The typeface was virtually the only form of printing until the twentieth century, when it was replaced by the offset, himself a product of lithography invented in the late eighteenth century. The letterpress printing is still for handicrafts in limited edition as well as for cutting, embossing and stamping.

Finally, the typography is the art of how to use the characters: font selection, and body layout. Called the chief overseer of a Typography Workshop.

For Print Only shows off, what they are calling, the Ligature, Loop & Stem poster.  It breaks down Typography to their very essential parts and provides a beautiful teaching tool for how typography can impact our lives and how designers can make it better.

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